Need Fibre?

Let us connect you with the best Fibre Internet Deal In SA!


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It’s more critical then ever to have a stable internet connection in South Africa. We either need to do our work from home or we simply need a good connection for streaming! Mobile data costs are still way too expensive. So we’ve partnered with one of SA’s top Fibre service providers to get you up and running as soon as possible.

 Fibre To The Home. Uncapped.

Getting Fibre for your home will bring you high speed secure access to the internet with the unshaped and uncapped fibre packages. Now you can find light in the dark with the super high speed internet connection to keep you occupied!

Get your first month for FREE with 100GB Free LTE data, delivered in 1-3 days! Your Fibre gets installed within 2-3 Weeks with a 10 Mbps line uncapped. The installation and activation are FREE!